Custom clearance agent in riyadh

Custom clearance agent in riyadh dry port

Custom clearance agent in Riyadh Abr alqarat  is one of the largest customs clearance offices in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. We provide our customers with comprehensive services. We Abr alqarat is everything customers need to clear their goods through customs and help in shipping, storing and loading them and completing their exit from customs units in the fastest time.


Custom clearance agent in riyadh

Abr alqarat Customs Clearance Company provides many high-quality services to customers, due to its experience in customs clearance in Riyadh with the following specifications:

Custom clearance agent in riyadh
Custom clearance agent in riyadh


1. Providing customs consultations:

  • Explaining customs regulations and procedures to importers and exporters.
  • Providing advice on the best ways to ship goods and clear them through customs.
  • Assist customers in understanding export and import requirements.


read more : Clearance agent in customs

2. Preparing customs documents:

  • Collect and organize all documents required for customs clearance.
  • Review documents to ensure accuracy and completeness.
  • Submitting documents to customs on behalf of the customer.


3. Inspection of goods:

  • Attending the inspection of goods by customs.
  • Ensure that the goods conform to the documents provided.
  • Resolve any problems that may arise during the scan.


4. Payment of customs duties:

  • Calculate the customs duties due.
  • Pay customs duties on behalf of the customer.


read more: Container clearance charges

5. Follow up on customs procedures:

  • Follow up on all stages of customs clearance.
  • Informing the customer of the status of his shipment on a regular basis.
  • Resolve any problems that may arise during the customs clearance process.


What is the importance of customs clearance in Saudi Arabia?

Abr alqarat company experts explain the best Custom clearance agent in Riyadh on the importance of customs clearance in Saudi Arabia, as customs clearance plays a pivotal role in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, being a major gateway to international trade and a supporter of the national economy. Its importance is evident in the following points:


1. Facilitating international trade:

  • Customs clearance represents an essential step for completing import and export operations, as it enables the smooth and efficient flow of goods and merchandise across borders.
  • The speed and ease of customs clearance contribute to attracting foreign investments and enhancing the Kingdom’s competitiveness in the global market.


2. Protecting national security:

  • Customs clearance procedures ensure the safety and security of imported goods, by examining them and ensuring their compliance with the specifications and standards in force in the Kingdom.
  • These measures help prevent prohibited or harmful substances from entering the country, thus preserving the health and safety of citizens.


read more : Custom clearance charges for import shipment 

3. Increase government revenues:

  • Customs duties are imposed on imported goods, which is an important source of government revenue.
  • These revenues contribute to financing development projects in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


4. Job creation:

  • The customs clearance sector contributes to creating job opportunities for Saudi youth, through customs clearance companies and government jobs in this field.
  • These opportunities promote the development of the national economy and create a more stable society.


5. Enhancing transparency and efficiency:

  • The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is working to develop customs clearance systems and make them more transparent and efficient.
  • Abr alqarat company experts say the best Custom clearance agent in riyadh: These efforts contribute to reducing delays and costs, and improving the business environment in the Kingdom.


6. Supporting the move towards a global logistics center:

  • The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia seeks to become a global logistics center and therefore pays great attention to developing customs clearance systems.
  • These efforts contribute to attracting international companies to invest in the Kingdom, and transforming it into a regional and international commercial center.


7. Providing a safe and stable business environment:

  • Customs clearance procedures contribute to providing a safe and stable trading environment for investors and traders.
  • This environment enhances investor confidence and encourages them to invest in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


8. Improving services provided to importers and exporters:

  • The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is working to improve the services provided to importers and exporters, by facilitating customs clearance procedures and providing electronic platforms for completing transactions.
  • These efforts contribute to saving time and effort for importers and exporters, and improving their experience in dealing with Saudi Customs.


9. Consumer protection:

  • Customs clearance procedures contribute to protecting the consumer from fraudulent or non-conforming goods.
  • These measures enhance consumer confidence in the quality of products traded in the Saudi market.


10. Strengthening international cooperation:

  • The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia cooperates with other countries in the field of customs clearance, through exchanging experiences and information and signing international agreements.
  • This cooperation contributes to improving the efficiency of customs clearance procedures at the international level and enhancing international trade.


Customs clearance is an essential element in achieving Saudi Arabia’s economic, security and social goals. Therefore, the Kingdom attaches great importance to developing this sector and enhancing its efficiency, which contributes to achieving sustainable development in the Kingdom.


Customs Brokerage Services

Customs brokerage is a service provided by the Custom clearance agent in Riyadh, where the broker performs all customs operations and transactions on behalf of the importer or exporter, in order to ensure that the procedures are completed quickly and accurately without the need for the presence of the owner of the goods in person.


Advantages of customs brokerage in Riyadh

  • Saving time and effort: It facilitates the customs clearance process and reduces the time and effort expended by the owner of the goods in completing the transactions himself.
  • Accuracy of information: The customs broker ensures the accuracy of the information and documents provided to customs, which helps avoid delays or fines.
  • Extensive experience: The customs agent has extensive experience in dealing with customs procedures, ensuring that they are completed quickly and effectively.
  • Dealing with laws and regulations: The customs agent is fully aware of the customs laws and regulations, which ensures that the owner of the goods adheres to them.


The most important customs brokerage services in Riyadh:

  • Preparing and submitting the required documents: The broker prepares all the documents required for customs clearance, such as the shipping invoice, bill of lading, packing list, certificates of origin, and others.
  • Dealing with customs: The broker follows up all transactions with customs, such as inspection, evaluation, and payment of customs duties.
  • Delivery and storage: The broker can arrange the transportation of goods from the port or airport to their final destination. He can also store the goods in his warehouses until they are received by their owner.
  • Other services: Some customs agents provide other services such as customs consultations, cargo insurance, and arranging the shipment of goods.
Custom clearance agent in riyadh
Custom clearance agent in riyadh


Why should you choose our customs clearance in  Riyadh services?

Riyadh enjoys an important strategic location as a major commercial center in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, making it an ideal destination for import and export operations. Here are some reasons why choosing the services of Custom clearance agent in riyadh is a preferable option:


1. Ease of access:

  • Riyadh is located in the center of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, making it a central point of contact for accessing all its customs ports.
  • Riyadh provides an advanced transportation network linking it to all parts of the Kingdom, which facilitates the process of transporting goods.


2. Advanced infrastructure:

  • Riyadh has modern and efficient customs facilities, which helps speed up the customs clearance process.
  • Advanced technical systems are used to facilitate procedures and reduce waiting time.


3. Competence and experience:

  • There are many licensed and specialized customs clearance companies in Riyadh, which have extensive experience in the field of customs clearance.
  • These companies provide a staff of trained employees who are highly competent in handling all types of goods.


4. Diversity in services:

Customs clearance companies in Riyadh provide a wide range of services, including:

  • Customs clearance of imported and exported goods.
  • Packaging and shipping.
  • Goods insurance.
  • Customs consultations.


5. Cost:

Customs clearance companies in Riyadh have competitive prices, making them a suitable option for various budgets.


6. Reliability:

Customs clearance companies in Riyadh have a good reputation for providing reliable and high-quality services.


7. Ease of communication:

Customs clearance companies in Riyadh provide multiple communication channels to facilitate communication with customers and provide the best possible service.

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